Plot 30

an urban co-op garden adventure

Water Out!

on July 11, 2012

Linda and I went out to the garden to water today.  Thanks to Lauren, I was able to open the shed containing the hose as I turned the handle excitedly, no water came out.  I checked for kinks and still no water. Two ladies asked me if there was something wrong and I yelled out to them “no water”.  They yelled back, “did you check the board on the shed?”  Indeed, there was a note on the board saying that their was a construction accident and the water had been knocked out and should be restored tomorrow.  

Linda and I were going to fill the rain barrel up because it is extremely low after our water today.  We also noticed that the spigot on our rain barrel was dripping so please double check that you have closed this valve completely after it has been used.   Let’s hope the water is back up tomorrow so we can fill our barrel or use the hose after the heat today.  Everything looks great and there is one tomato ripening.      

One response to “Water Out!

  1. Lauren says:

    I noticed the same thing with the barrel yesterday – it was almost empty. I filled it about 80 percent full after Tuesday’s watering. It’s likely that it also got low because of the overall water shortage after the accident. Let’s aim to always keep the barrel filled 70-80 percent.
    Cheers, Lauren
    P.S. I’ll get our peppers in soon. Unless you just want more kale instead 😉

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